Answers about William Shakespeare

Oh honey, Shakespeare didn’t define literature, he created it. The man practically invented the English language as we know it today. So, if you want a definiti

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William Shakespeare


What was expected of wives in Shakespeare’s Othello?

Asked by Wiki User

They were expected to take care of the house by cooking and cleaning, present themselves well, perform in bed, and Informasi Selebriti Indonesia be generally obedient and subservient to thei

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The Bible


Is there a biblical reference to a pound of flesh?

Asked by Wiki User

The phrase “pound of flesh” appears in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 6:7, where Paul writes, “Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?&

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Drama and Acting


What Shakespeare play has fireworks?

Asked by Wiki User

The play “Love’s Labour’s Lost” by William Shakespeare features a scene with fireworks. In Act 5, Scene 2, Princess and her attendants watch as the fi

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Drama and Acting


Who does titania love?

Asked by Wiki User

In Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Titania, the queen of the fairies, is in love with Bottom, who has been transformed into a donkey by the

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William Shakespeare


What period in European history is most closely associated with Leonardo da Vinco Michaelangelo William Shakespeare and Nicolause Copernicus?

Asked by Wiki User

The period most closely associated with Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, and Nicolaus Copernicus is the Renaissance in Europe, which spanne

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Drama and Acting


What effect has titania and oberons quarrel had on nature on the seasons on the humans?

Asked by Wiki User

Their quarrel really did affect nature especially the weather: it was very stormy although it was supposed to be a pleasant season. Because of their quarrel it

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Drama and Acting


Why is Oberon angry with Titania?

Asked by Wiki User

Oberon is angry with Titania in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” because she refuses to give up an Indian changeling boy that he desires. Thi

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William Shakespeare


What period in European history is most closely associated with Leonardo vince Michelangelo William shakespeare and nicolaus Copernicus?

Asked by Wiki User

The Renaissance period in European history is most closely associated with Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, and Nicolaus Copernicus. This p

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Drama and Acting


Who do Titania and Oberon blame for recent storms and floods?

Asked by Wiki User

Titania and Oberon blame each other for the recent storms and floods, as their ongoing quarrels and battles have disrupted the natural balance and caused chaos

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William Shakespeare


How did the fire in the Globe Theatre start?

Asked by Wiki User

The fire in the Globe Theatre in 1613 was caused by a cannon shot during a performance of Shakespeare’s “Henry VIII”. The cannon ignited the thatched

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William Shakespeare


Who is supervising the plans for Juliet and Paris’s wedding?

Asked by Wiki User

Lord Capulet supervised the plans for Juliet and Paris’s wedding. The wedding was originally on a Thursday, but Lord Capulet moved the wedding to a Wednesday.